Help for Transport needed


Active Member
Does anyone knows anyone with two cars (or a big one for 9 persons) who can bring me and my 7 female mates from our hotel in figueretas to San An (Kumharas) for less money??? By taxi or any company I asked for a price I would pay too much money for these 30 (?) kilometers....

Thanx for your help.
fatphilb said:
surely only works out about 30-35Euros per car. Thats not that much per person surely?

And then I´d also could rent a car or go by taxi... :cry:

Any other ideas?

I thought I could find an Ibizenco or an on Ibiza living foreigner who would drive us.... :cry:
how good looking are you and how much flesh would you be displaying?!

just kidding

maybe if you ask when you're out there. if you get a taxi you can get a drink. i think the taxi's are cheap in ibiza in comparison to my home town, especially when split between 4. Sorry Im no ibizencan. Im sure I got a lift off an unofficial taxi driver once (ie. chancer). Be careful doing this though, quite dangerous!