help for season 2008

The Conductor

New Member
yo yo

going to head out next year for the whole season and was looking to see if anyone could lend any good tips etc? have never been over to work before so any help would be much appreciated.

when should i head over?
is it difficult to sort out digs?
are jobs hard to come by after a certain time?
any places i should avoid etc?

cheers in advance :)
you really have to book a two week cheap hols around may.then ask about for jobs.thing is jobs are long hours.not much time to enjoy yourself.most are night time work.but if you get a eating places,they have done for say the rest of the night is yours.depends how much you are willing to work.

one guy i know works 9 am till 3pm.then 7pm till close (around midnight),in playa den lomng as you pay your rent when you find a place.your ok.most places do have rooms for workers.san bay would be best or playa den bossa.speaking a bit of spainish helps.

best of luck
you really have to book a two week cheap hols around may.then ask about for jobs.thing is jobs are long hours.not much time to enjoy yourself.most are night time work.but if you get a eating places,they have done for say the rest of the night is yours.depends how much you are willing to work.

one guy i know works 9 am till 3pm.then 7pm till close (around midnight),in playa den lomng as you pay your rent when you find a place.your ok.most places do have rooms for workers.san bay would be best or playa den bossa.speaking a bit of spainish helps.

best of luck

cheers for that. :)
end of april

woodruffe is spot on , book yourself a 2 week return flight with accomodation last week of april or first week of may. then it gives you 2 weeks to get sorted..make sure you have plenty of money to cover deposits for a flat and at least 1 months living money as most jobs pay monthly..i organize a workers open day where you can get the opportunity to meet and chat to prospective employers., get info on accomodation, spanish working regulation me for further info xxxx this year there was a variety of jobs ..part time and full time.. we managed to fill 83 job post from this years open day.