help a spotlighter


New Member
Hi guys. Not been on in a while due to me not beeing out in Ibiza since 2011 :(

Could I ask a quick favour tho. I am trying to win hospitality tickets for the scottish cup final on sunday and would appreciate it if you could take 10 seconds to click on the below link and vote for my picture. It would be greatly appreciated.

Hi guys. Not been on in a while due to me not beeing out in Ibiza since 2011 :(

Could I ask a quick favour tho. I am trying to win hospitality tickets for the scottish cup final on sunday and would appreciate it if you could take 10 seconds to click on the below link and vote for my picture. It would be greatly appreciated.


Who do you want to win?
the voting closes at 12pm tomorrow, Thanks to everyone thats voted so far. I reckon I still need a fair few to get the win, so please click the link and vote. Cheers