HELP a girlie find a home n sum ibiza buddies!


New Member
Hey all u crazy peeps.. i have left it quite l8 to arrange accomodation.. im flying out alone on the 3rd n still have nothing sorted so if anyone has any details of hostels or preferably a room to let then PLEEZ get in touch. im 20/f/glasgow and really easy to get on with.. cant wait to come ova... even if i am kipping on the beach ;-)

My MSN is

Hey Crazy Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dont you worry about a thing im flying out on the 3rd by myself aswell with no accom just going to see as soon as i get there what im gonna do.
I fly out at 07:10 in the morning from Gatwick so maybe if you wanna meet up and do the whole sleeping on the beach thing then lets meet up.
My name is David, im 20 from Canada and am a raving homosexual :D so let me know b4 Friday what you wanna do.
hey guys, im out there now, weve just got our accomodation sorted and have a spare room , if ur interested wen u get out here my number is 695 876601, and if u aint wud still be good to go out for a few drinks! so see ya soon.

Thanx Dude

Hey Dude :lol:
Thanx so much!
I arrive in Ibiza between 10:30 and 11:00 on Friday morning so expect a phone call from me soon after.
I really appreciate u'r hospitality. :lol:
David. :lol:
Im here at the moment and am still trying to find somewhere to stay if anyone can help please email me at its my first year out here i got here on monday night. ive got an interview tomorrow for a job and im staying in a hotel at the minute got it until tomorrow then god knows. Anyway if anyone can help me that would be wicked xxx

Hey Lizzio :lol:
Listen sweetheart im coming out on Friday so if u'r still stuck for accom then we can do it together sweety coz i know that it must be sorta scary to do it all by urself. :lol:
Luvvies David. :lol: :lol:
that is my email address. :lol:
Hi babe
thanks pal i will let you know where i am on friday what time do you get in? i can meet you somewhere
lizzio xxx
Hey Babygirl

Hey Babygirl :lol:
I get in at the airport on Friday between 10:30 and 11:00 so if you would like to meet me that would be supurb you are such a darl i really appreciate your help sweets. :lol:
David :lol: