Hello - Planning early for June 2012 - Advices?


Active Member
Hi everyone.

I have not been this forum for a while now. However, I met many great people & this site definitely helped me research for this past summer's goal to go (even though it never happened).

Old thread: http://www.spotlight-forums.com/showthread.php?t=70684

Anyways, I am no longer inviting a girl. Possibly various of my close female friends. Yet, more than likely, I'm trying to do an all boy adventure so it's more likely we can fool around (sorry ladies, not trying to be rude) :twisted:

When I was doing numbers for this last summer, I was only looking into 2 events:

  • David Guetta
  • Swedish House Mafia
I did a small Google search on how much money I should take over there and some people posted $2,000 (U.S.).
When I did my #'s & research I came out to $2500 (including airfare).
This seems a little too high.

For a hotel/apartment, I was looking at the Marina Playa Apart/Hotel.

The pics may be deceiving, but after reading all the positive reviews it seems like a great location & deal.
I just did a brief date from June 1, 2012 - June 8, 2012.
It comes out to $750. Split between a max. of 4 people = $187!

So the prices look good. I think the only thing expensive would be airfare at this point.

Any other suggestions, comments, advices on how much money to bring (not including airfare)?
And the Apart/hotel I am looking at?

Thanks everybody~
Hi everyone.

I have not been this forum for a while now. However, I met many great people & this site definitely helped me research for this past summer's goal to go (even though it never happened).

Old thread: http://www.spotlight-forums.com/showthread.php?t=70684

Anyways, I am no longer inviting a girl. Possibly various of my close female friends. Yet, more than likely, I'm trying to do an all boy adventure so it's more likely we can fool around (sorry ladies, not trying to be rude) :twisted:

When I was doing numbers for this last summer, I was only looking into 2 events:

  • David Guetta
  • Swedish House Mafia
I did a small Google search on how much money I should take over there and some people posted $2,000 (U.S.).
When I did my #'s & research I came out to $2500 (including airfare).
This seems a little too high.

For a hotel/apartment, I was looking at the Marina Playa Apart/Hotel.

The pics may be deceiving, but after reading all the positive reviews it seems like a great location & deal.
I just did a brief date from June 1, 2012 - June 8, 2012.
It comes out to $750. Split between a max. of 4 people = $187!

So the prices look good. I think the only thing expensive would be airfare at this point.

Any other suggestions, comments, advices on how much money to bring (not including airfare)?
And the Apart/hotel I am looking at?

Thanks everybody~

Alex, spending money is a hugely moving target depending on what you do, where you go, how you get there and what you consume. From the many previous posts on this topic, most people seem to cope quite happily on 100-150 Euros per day over and above their hotel, car hire (if any) and flights. That covers reasonable (pay-entry) clubbing, drinking, eating out and shared taxis. June is also well before peak season so things like accommodation and car hire are very reasonable.

However, when you know what you want to do, you can easily cost out your club tickets, hotel, car hire (if any - budget about $75 more for gas if you intend to drive all over the island for a week, half that for a few trips out), taxis etc. Then add a 50% contingency to allow for taxis home when you've lost your mates, forgotten your name or met a nice girl and you should be comfortably within budget at the end of the stay.

Otherwise, the huge variables are mainly food and drink. Food - if you're not self-catering, are clubbing and are eating out all the time, $50 - $100 per day is probably very comfortable to eat well, unless you want to hang out at Blue Marlin every afternoon. Let's face it, sometimes you just can't eat much after a couple of heavy nights out. But at some point you'll get starving and might want to splurge on a juicy steak at KM5.

If you like a drink, you save a fortune drinking before you go out or finding drinks deals in PDB or San An. I don't do a lot of that any more and so bar bills account for at least 50% of my total spend in Ibiza (including flights from UK !). I don't hang around hotels or Apartments and usually eat and drink out all the time, mainly late evening when prices are high (as I usually drive in the day/early evening). I like vodka-redbulls and cocktails so with pre-clubbing and a heavy night out the bar bill is going to be about $120-$200. With a different approach and some evenings on an apartment balcony with bottles of vokda and hierbas, that could probably comfortably be driven down to about $60.

If you like to do activities in the daytime like watersports, horse riding etc add in a couple of hundred dollars for this. If you want to hire boats add in a lot more.

Other variables - if you're prone to get carried away for 3-somes in strip clubs and brothels, add $1,000 to your budget - if you're hammered and having fun, you'll probably not even know what you've spent till the credit card bill comes in when you get home...

It all depends on the choices you make when you're there. Ibiza has plenty of things on offer to take care of your budget and then some :!: ... but many of the very best things about the island are free.