Greetings to everyone !
I have been surfing your boards and would love to tell you guys that Ibiza sounds like an incredible place. Tiesto & P.V.D. on the same bill is something very rare to find in my part of the world. I can only hope that some day I might be able to visit the clubbers heaven known as Ibiza !
Please take the time to give 2 of my mixes a listen and let me know what you think. They are both proggressive trance mixed with some breakbeat. I would love to know what people exposed to some of the greatest talent on the face of this earth think about my style.
I have been surfing your boards and would love to tell you guys that Ibiza sounds like an incredible place. Tiesto & P.V.D. on the same bill is something very rare to find in my part of the world. I can only hope that some day I might be able to visit the clubbers heaven known as Ibiza !
Please take the time to give 2 of my mixes a listen and let me know what you think. They are both proggressive trance mixed with some breakbeat. I would love to know what people exposed to some of the greatest talent on the face of this earth think about my style.