hed kandi beach house


New Member
:D right all you hed kandi lovers out there. i was listening to a cd in mates car the other day. and he said it was beach house. there is a really distinctive song on there its, track 8 but not sure which cd and he didn't tell me which edition of beach house!

its a women singing a lot all the way through quite mellowed tune.

sorry but does anyone out there now what it is? :roll:

i appreciate its a mammoth task but my mate has now gone on holiday and i cant get this song out of my head!
:roll: err i think something like. i will love you forever and things??? nightmare trying to remember it. but maybe someone will but i note there are 4 beach house cds!!!!!!!
choice of

Jask featuring Jocie
Surrender Your Love (Jask's Original Mix) 

The Whirled You Live 

Kaskade It's You, It's Me (Album Mix)

im guessing it could be etherfox....
:idea: i don't suupose anyone knows where i can try and hear a sample of that jask track? sorry but thanks for your help i knew you would all be able to help :D