he had to be spanish....genius!!

I have to say, seeing the Spain Under19's yesterday makes me think Spain have a few good years ahead of them.

Its hard to understand.. recently it seems at some point between the age of 5 and 14 the kids in spain seem to achieve levels of control and spacial awareness which the english kids dont get.

Must be down to coaching.

Not being rude, but that english under 19 coach looked more built for standing outside a night club than he did for managing a team.

Does anyone know what he's done to get this job?

That Aston Villa striker did look good though.
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Its hard to understand.. recently it seems at some point between the age of 5 and 14 the kids in spain seem to achieve levels of control and spacial awareness which the english kids dont get.

Must be down to coaching.

I posted somewhere (probably in the world cup thread) a fact about the difference between the ammount of uefa badged coaches here in Spain and over in the Uk, its vastly different. And that also all the ones in the UK teach professionals :spank: FFS. Whereas in Spain most teach school children !! Its so basic and obvious its ridiculous :spank: