Having a clearout on ebay... no reserves...

Moving in w/ the gf... for space & time reasons, this lot has to go. :(

(She's making me do it... : - ( )


Man if shes calling the shots even BEFORE you move in with her.........then I fear for your balls in a vice grip further down the line.

Is she selling any of her gear on EBAY?

I like the "This is more than just a speaker - it has soul." tag on your speakers.

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Can you not put the gear in storage somewhere because its part of who you are. Dont throw it away so easily just because somebody tells you it has to go. Just because the speakers dont match the color of a floor is a harsh view to take on somebodys personal stuff.

Women cant compute that guys can become attached to inanimate objects in a way that they cant understand.

I would sit down and have a serious chat
Would gladly take the 250w active speakers off you if you were in Ireland. Bit too far to travel to London to pick up a set of speakers.
decks are in boxes cos i aint got a good block of time to be able to have a play on them!

they shall be out this weekend once ive painted 4 walls and had a chuck out of toot from the spare room!

well everything in the spare room belongs to you..... nice that you recognise it as "toot" at least :lol::lol: