Happy New Year


Well-Known Member
A Bit early, but we all have odd times for checking this forum, so...

Happy New Year to everyone!

Hope 2013 is even better than 2012 for you all!
HAPPY NEEEEWWWW YEEEEAAAARRRRRR...... think everyone is too busy nursing hangovers or just don't want to talk to us :lol:
Feeling positive today, not felt positive for a long time to be fair. Off the booze for the month of Jan(hopefully) and looking forward to some time(fingers crossed) in Dublin, Ibiza and maybe Portugal or another Ibiza trip.
just don't want to talk to us :lol:
Feeling positive today, not felt positive for a long time to be fair.

I think its that lurking time of year when peeps aint got that much time to post, I for one fall into the that group.

I am already feeling positive again after 2 months of fedupness that i cannot explain.

BTW - All the best for 2013 to all Spotlighters!!!!
The private forum is a lot busier than the open ones this time of year.

Happy New Year to all!
happy new year to all!!

had a couple long days/nights in edinburgh...good times!

good warm up for bugged out weekender in a couple weeks...well up for that!!