Happy Easter


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Happy Easter to all.

Always a time to start thinking about what to pack for Ibiza Holidays......:)
Happy Easter to all.

Always a time to start thinking about what to pack for Ibiza Holidays......:)

All the best for this Holy time. Its a long time til September, I'll wear meself out!!!!
Easter always starts the internal struggle I have with myself as to whether I should go back to Ibiza and work the season or not :/ I hate Easter!
Easter always starts the internal struggle I have with myself as to whether I should go back to Ibiza and work the season or not :/ I hate Easter!
Nothing to think of surely? If nothing holding you down here just get your self gone away from this dump ;)
We have made plans for September but flights are 200 each at the minute which will be £1000 before add ins compared to £600 last year :( not sure what the plan is now as we're still saving for the flights the apartment will go on my cc. Oh to be rich.....sigh :lol: