Happy birthday pups

Heck, she has the same birthday as a member of my close family. Spooky. Happy Birthday, puppylover - hope you are totally smashed on a school night 8).
thanks guys - it was a non-event to be honest - was in work all day - in meetings for 5 hrs then had to play catch up with day to day work, before going out to dinner with the WORK TEAM :spank:

I could have cried with sheer frustration and like a right titty lipped princess - such a crappy day:evil: I didnt get to open my pressies and cards until I got home at 9pm - stone cold sober cos I was driving....:x

However I took Wednesday off work - went to town - blew a fortune on stuff I didnt need and then came home sat in the garden with headphones on and a glass of Rose ......

When did I get old and boring????:oops::oops::oops:
thanks guys - it was a non-event to be honest - was in work all day - in meetings for 5 hrs then had to play catch up with day to day work, before going out to dinner with the WORK TEAM :spank:

I could have cried with sheer frustration and like a right titty lipped princess - such a crappy day:evil: I didnt get to open my pressies and cards until I got home at 9pm - stone cold sober cos I was driving....:x

However I took Wednesday off work - went to town - blew a fortune on stuff I didnt need and then came home sat in the garden with headphones on and a glass of Rose ......

When did I get old and boring????:oops::oops::oops:

I feel an impromtu trip to Ibiza may cure your blues. Happy belated birthday wishes😊