Hangover club


Well-Known Member
1x birthday with added drinking games , naughties , cafe 1001 and getting home at 11am =

a fine specimen of a hangover
Morning all.

Had a good old battle with several bottles of red wine and champagne yesterday afternoon and not feeling very peachy now.
Made the error Sat night of mixing drinks, rose, mojitos, white wine.....bleurgh

Yesterday was not good! Roast dinner helped though :lol:
Hangover, comedown, sleep deprivation, not really eaten properly in days.... i'm too old for this ****.
i had quite a hangover last weekend (but it was all worth it). luckily feeling great today!
I think I managed to drink an imported bottled lager from most parts of the earth on Saturday with only 4 hours sleep not assisting:cry:.

Made up for it last night with a 12 hour sleep though to help me through till 7am tomorrow when I can go to bed again.
Just remembered I was all for getting the party doctor on the phone at 4am with the full intention of throwing a sickie at work to be persuaded by my colleague to ''call it a night and that I would thank him for it in the morning''.

I made in work after 3 hours sleep still fully cut yet said person who was being sensible (after us polishing off a full litre of vodka) has not made it in. The TW@! I would rather eat my own arms than be here right now. Did he carry on after I left?! :eek:
Don't think I could be any more rough! Two days of birthday celebrations in ibiza have actually sent my body into meltdown :( never drinking again!