Hangover Club


Well-Known Member
Urrgh! Tuesday night footy training Xmas drinks last night. 20 kebabs ordered to the pub:spank:
Actually recovering nicely from last night's office holiday party.
Might have been helped by not getting up until 11am and getting to the office at 1.
The missus says I was quite entertaining when I got home.

More like picking up her computer and threatening to throw it, knocking over her suitcase with photography lighting, messing up her just painted fingernails, and generally making a nuisance of myself :lol:
Actually recovering nicely from last night's office holiday party.
Might have been helped by not getting up until 11am and getting to the office at 1.
The missus says I was quite entertaining when I got home.

I think I may have the fabled bad pint. Really didn't drink enough to feel rough but still feel ropey now! And I was home at 11.30pm.:oops:

More like picking up her computer and threatening to throw it, knocking over her suitcase with photography lighting, messing up her just painted fingernails, and generally making a nuisance of myself :lol:

I did something similar only it was my watch and I did throw it thus smashing into pieces against the wall. What a berk.