Hangover Club


Active Member

How come I have the power to drink Sailor Jerry's till it comes out of my ears on one night, and wake up relatively fresh, then on a different night, 3 measly glasses of wine kick my ass? :cry:
More chemicals in Wine especially the cheaper plonk. Thats what can give you the "headache" hangover rather than the all over body one, that can normally be associated with volume.
You diamond....8)

Im now off to sainsburys to get me some bananna milkshakes for the inevitable dirty hangover i will be suffering on sunday :rolleyes: im sure itl be worth it tho ;) she says trying to convince herself lol

can I give you my best banana milkshake recipe -

2 bananas
1/2 block of walls vanilla ice cream
8 crushed guarana tablets
6 ice cubs

Stick in a blender and voila!!!

awesome!!!!! I used to make these before I used to go to my 4hr kickboxing grading exams..... (specially if I had been clubbing the night before and I had very little sleep)

They'll give you a spring in your step like nothing before
can I give you my best banana milkshake recipe -

2 bananas
1/2 block of walls vanilla ice cream
8 crushed guarana tablets
6 ice cubs

Stick in a blender and voila!!!

awesome!!!!! I used to make these before I used to go to my 4hr kickboxing grading exams..... (specially if I had been clubbing the night before and I had very little sleep)

They'll give you a spring in your step like nothing before

Wicked, even better, thank you :D

tbh il try anything to kerb these hangovers....and drinking sensibly isnt one of them :lol:
just have a couple of pints of water before you go to bed or stop drinking. works for me....
Well...i am slightly dissapointed and somewhat bl**dy amazed that on saturday night i could count on one hand how many drinks i had, poor effort mepham :rolleyes: but it felt f**kin good to know i came home with more than a pound in my purse and didnt feel like i was close to death on sunday :lol:

My body has finally cried "unkle" after being out drinking 4 of the past 5 nights. :cry:

I've spent all of today's bank holiday curled up with my laptop in bed!