Halion query (help)!!!!

matt collins

Active Member
Having a major league annoying prob with this at the mo...

It's working OKish in Cubase (but I'm using VST 4.0 which is V old), so when I run it thru my other programmes the MIDI's not working properly and can't get it to receive the info. Plus, I'm not sure if it's loading the samples or not...

Anyone else use it??? Had the same prob???

Don't think it's a compatibility issue, as it's going thru the motions OK but could well be wrong...
What other programmes are you referring to? I don't have halion or cubase vst (I use sx), but maybe I've come across a similar problem before.
I thought that, but all my other VST's are working AOK.

It's doing my nut in to be honest... :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Will have to record it in Cubase and then load the audio into Acid I guess.

Just thought I'd see if anyone knew an answer before I did it the LONG winded way... Arggggghhhhhhhhh....
gawd i hate halion so much. it always moans at me for missing samples and stuff when there isnt any. I prefer NI products but that doesnt help the situation of course ;)

One thing to be wary of is what midi chan you're running it on, it may be routed to the halion but just not on channel 1