

Active Member
I,ve got a 11 week old kitten, who loves sctratching my £30 a roll wallpaper thats in my kitchen, someone mentioned citronella being put on the wall, to keep cats away from them,
just bought some, rubbed it on skirting boards and walls,and my kitten went to investigate, shook its paws and looked at my in disgust, lol, but then walked away, RESULT, its a pity I didnt hear about it sooner, Ive still got to decorate again, :x:x:x
but hopefully if I stop him now he wont do it when we decorate again,
he also insists on going on my living room window,now if he just went on there to look outside I wouldnt mind, but no the little sod just goes up to chew the cords that loop over the bottom of my blinds,that keep the blinds together,so Ive had to buy more of the cords,
Ive just put cling film on the windowsill, he went to jump up felt it under his paws and jumped back down,
Serves the little demon right,