Guy "falls" off a balcony to his death in San An

Hear about sh1t like this every single year, he was 30 year old... what the hell was he thinking?

Sad story all the same but you'd think people would learn
There are a number of Tourist deaths ever year in Ibiza...........the majority of them related to Drug and Alcohol abuse.

The majority are not reported due to various sensitive reasons.
what the hell was he thinking?

Sad story all the same but you'd think people would learn

How the hell can you comment on that without knowing the circumstances behind the fall? It may have been a complete accident. If he is on holiday just him and his girlfriend I wouldn't expect him to be doing the usual chavy "Trying to balance on the balcony" game
Why did you post the story here? How is this any of our business. It does seem the family wanted wide attention by allowing such indepth story, but I see no reason why. I recall similiar story about British girl that fell from the balcony. Police suspected it was a suicide, and it became a public debate between the family and Police, why public, strikes me. These should be private matters dealt by the family and friends.
Why did you post the story here? How is this any of our business. It does seem the family wanted wide attention by allowing such indepth story...........

It may act as a warning to people who may use drugs and alcohol, that you are still mortal when under the influence. Accidents are more likely to happen when on holidays as our normal inhibitors are tuned out.

Plus, if you read the article, the Family have nothing to say about the matter, they are in shock.

Most of the quotes have been lifted off Facebook
It may act as a warning to people who may use drugs and alcohol, that you are still mortal when under the influence. Accidents are more likely to happen when on holidays as our normal inhibitors are tuned out.

Plus, if you read the article, the Family have nothing to say about the matter, they are in shock.

Most of the quotes have been lifted off Facebook

Well sure but the paper is just using this as a "juicy" story without the juicyness or the news value. I would assume the paper still needs the familys permission to release his picture, full name and details about his life. I just don't see the point in stories like these. They should just have released "British man fell to his death from a balcony in Ibiza, the local police is investigating the incident". Not a full article about his private life and quoting his friends from facebook. This is ridicilous. Just think if the papers did story like that about every person that dies in a "normal" accident. People just need to know everything, even about people they had no clue that existed...
you might want to try reading the diario de ibiza which reports 'factually' on more or less every story. their report on this incident was that a man had drunk lots of alcohol (info provided by his companions) and after an argument with his partner had jumped to his death.
he was in the same hotel as some guys who were on my flight home on Monday night and we heard all the gossip from what apparently happened.....

little *****s thought it was really amusing - :spank:
you might want to try reading the diario de ibiza which reports 'factually' on more or less every story. their report on this incident was that a man had drunk lots of alcohol (info provided by his companions) and after an argument with his partner had jumped to his death.

That I meant that it's ok for the newspapers to report it as anonymous person. But to start releasing a picture, full name, details about private life, facebook quotes.. completely unncecesary. Maybe in stories where the death is caused by another person, like drunk driver, it would benefit to tell more detail, to show the misery you could cause by drunk driving. Pretty sure the family wouldn't like unknown people to speculate with Warren's suicide here.
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The 19-year-old man, Lewis Bailey, who fell from a balcony in his apartment block
in San Antonio at the beginning of the month, is recovering well in hospital.
By now he is probably back in his home town of Birmingham, as his mother's insurance
covered him for an air ambulance for repatriation.
He explained the fall as an accident as he felt unwell, went outside to be sick
and lost his balance.

The neurosurgeon who operated on him, Dr. Bencosma, commented that it was lucky
that the patient was taken directly to the hospital, as the first two hours after such
a fall are critical.
He was given an MRI scan immediately which showed that his spine had been
severely damaged, needing ten plates to be implanted.
More than two weeks later he has now recovered virtually all the strength in his legs,
and should have no problems with walking in the future, and expressed his desire
to get back to his job in the armed forces.

This week another young man, this time a 23-year-old Australian, fell from the
first floor balcony of his hotel situated in Calle del Mar in San Antonio,
damaging his ankle.
According to his friends he had been drinking, but the incident, which occurred at four
o'clock in the morning, is not thought to have been caused by the victim trying to
dive into the swimming pool, as his room was on the other side of the building,
nor was he trying to get from one balcony to another.
The most likely hypothesis is that, as he is very tall, he turned round
and just toppled over. The official diagnosis is dislocation and fracture to his left ankle,
and he is receiving treatment in the private Vilas Clinic.

The alarmingly high number of balcony falls witnessed in the Balearics so far this year
even sparked the regional Minister for the Interior, Pilar Costa, to claim such accidents
happen “every year” and are “exceptions”, considering that 10 million visitors
come to the Balearics during the high season.
it's true. balcony falls happen every year, as do drownings, trafic accidents, and may other ways of being harmed or dying. it's the way it is all over the world