Green Day - American Idiot


With the missus out of town, I've finally been able to blast some non-house music around the house. Listened to Green Day's latest all the way through for the first time... great stuff! :D

It's a thematic rock opera...I know, it's been out for ages and I've had it for almost as long but just never got around to listening to it. :oops:
Definitely their best work since Dookie.

When Dookie was big, I saw a riot break out in Boston once after a free outdoor Green Day concert got shut down. Some fans were getting crushed up front as about 70000 people showed up (they were expecting 20000), so they pulled the plug. Next thing you knew, total mayhem :twisted:

They've had some good tunes since then, but this album is definitely a return to top form.
Hey Morbyd-

I was there for that show on the Hatch Shell! That was insane!
It was just when they were hiitng it big and no one expected a turn-out like that.
That's cool that you were there too!
I saw Grren Day on their geek stink breath tour in Sydnay and they rocked it. I remember it well because I managed to crowd surf from the back of the Hordern Paviloin to the front barriers haha
broiler said:
Hey Morbyd-

I was there for that show on the Hatch Shell! That was insane!
It was just when they were hiitng it big and no one expected a turn-out like that.
That's cool that you were there too!
Exactly! WFNX organized it and they only had cops on hand to manage a crowd of about a third of the size of the one that actually showed up. No one realized how big Green Day had become. They played for 30 minutes before they cut the show short, and after the post-show riot began we saw cops carrying off some guy by his four limbs 8O Bottles flying everywhere. To be honest, I loved it :oops: Chaos can be fun... we did have to walk forever to get transport back to Cambridge though... or was I living in Somerville then? I forget. :lol:

My favorite Hatch Shell adventure, however, still has to be meeting Mila Jovovich after her show when she opened for Sara MacLachlan. 8)