Good walking map??


Active Member
One thing that's done badly (IMO) is Spain is mapping. I'm going th Ibiza in May and if the weather isn't beachable, fancy doing some walking in the hills.

Tried finding a decent map showing public paths before, and only found one, years ago, which covered only the south-west of the island 1;25000. Never been able to find maps this scale of the rest of the island.

Long shot - any walkers/hikers on here found a decent map (1;25000 or better) on-line (link please!) or from Ibiza town?

Cheers 8)
Hi - in Ibiza Town there is that map/book shop near Hostal Parque on Placa des Parc - we had a look for something similar last year but could not find exactly what we wanted but it might be worth a look if you are in the area anyway!
Hi - in Ibiza Town there is that map/book shop near Hostal Parque on Placa des Parc - we had a look for something similar last year but could not find exactly what we wanted but it might be worth a look if you are in the area anyway!

Searched the map stand from top to bottom last weekend, still only tourist maps on sale. It is a lovely lovely book shop though.
Having online rather than in a little book or marked on a sturdy map just means you have to print out bits of paper and take them with you :!: Great links tho' - thanks ! 8)
Done that before - will do it again...!! Thanks for the info guys, helpful as always :D