Going to Ibiza with a tiny baby - a couple of Q's


New Member
Hi everyone,

this will be the first time I've travelled abroad with a small baby, so I wondered if anyone can answer a couple of questions for me?

The babs will be still bottle fed and not weaned. I'll be bringing formula with me, but is the tap water ok to boil to make up the feeds, or do I use bottled water and which brand do mums in Ibiza use??
Also can you get on the local buses in Ibiza with the babs still in the pram, like here or do you have to collapse it.

I'd really appreciate some help.

I would use bottled water- not 'cos it's unsafe, but cos the tap water tastes a bit salty, and I'm sure baby wouldn't appreciate that. Dunno 'bout the buses though.
I would drink water from bottles unless is water of a well ( I mean rain watter). One of the big problems in Balearic islands is water. I live in Mallorca and I drink water from bottels unless I know is water from a well. Is not that tap water is unhealthy but is not very good.
I cannot help you with the bus question. :D :D
Hi Jo

We went to Ibiza last year with the little one (she was 3 months old) so i can offer some advice:

- do not stay in Ibiza town; we did and the uneven pavements, really steep streets and stairs made it a bit of a nightmare going anywhere (this year we are staying in Es Cana, and will take taxis to go to Ibiza town, which is truly amazing)

- we took a travel kettle and boiled the water there for her bottles; just carried the milk powder in one of these plastic containers from Mothercare ... easy!!!

- we had lots of romantic dinners at night (baby just stayed in the stroller, sleeping quietly, Ibiza is great for that)

- Not sure about the buses, but from experiences in another places, you may have to fold the stroller and store it under the bus, and then hold the little one in your lap ... not too much of a hassle when you consider all the nice things to see in Ibiza ... alternatively you can also catch the ferry to Formentera or somewhere else in the island ... or hire a car (you will need the car seat for that though)

Let me know if you have any other questions .... I'm happy to help!!!!!!

hi dimpleburrows, go for the bottled water. when are you going to ibiza and which part? i'm from southport too!
Hi again,

sorry I took so long getting back - one of those days! :roll:

Thanks for all the replies, all v helpful. Special thanks to Flo, your post was great - thanks. I may PM you with some more questions rather than bore the pants of everyone in a thread :oops: but you've answered a few already. I spoke to Cow & Gate and they gave some recommendations, ie.that the bottled water contains less than 20mg/litre of Sodium and 1.5mg/litre of Fluoride, so most waters will be ok 8) .

Best. I'm from the edge of S'port (not saying on here, but on the way to Banks!!) We're going to Ibiza on May 14th to Puerto San Miguel, staying A/I at the Hotel cartago. We've got an 8 yr old as well as the bubs, so not much in the way of clubbing for us anymore 8O :cry:

Cheers again 8)
dimpleburrows said:
We're going to Ibiza on May 14th to Puerto San Miguel, staying A/I at the Hotel cartago. We've got an 8 yr old as well as the bubs
they gonna love it!! :D

<--- hey!! :P

more pictures of san miguel/caló des multons here :!:

and pictures of the other beautiful beaches up there here :!:
You will love it in San Miguel and i'm sure the babe will be fine. my boys are 8 and 11 and have been coming to ibiza since they were tiny bundles and have grown up to love the ibiza life.. beaches,resturants, chill out and sunsets! and dunking their churros in my hot chocolate! we will be there june 1st.
P.S (got ya, i was born and brought up in banks)
Hi again,

loved the pics thanx :D :D

I can't wait, we're all really looking forward to it :D . We will also be hiring a car for 3 days, so we can get out and see Ibiza as we've never been before 8)

BEST said:
my boys are 8 and 11 and have been coming to ibiza since they were tiny bundles and have grown up to love the ibiza life.. beaches,resturants, chill out and sunsets! and dunking their churros in my hot chocolate!
cool kids!! :P
