Going to go for it!


New Member
Decided pretty last minute that i am going to go to Ibiza and work for a few weeks in the summer. I have already booked a weeks holiday with my mates in San Antonio on the 31st of July for a week.

My plan is to go out in the first week of june and just work up until my mates come over and have my holiday and go back home.

As its so late notice im going to be stuggling for cash and probably will only be able to take £500 for the 7 weeks i'll be there working and i'll get more cash brought over when my mates come.

Anyone who has worked there before tell me if my plan is full proof and if £500 is enough cash? Dont care what i'll work as i'll do anything within reason just so i can stay out there
well it depends how determined u are..

the very 1st yr i went out to work i took £100 with me - no lie. got a job, found a room in a shared apartment and just got on wiv it. i wudnt advise to just take 100..but 500 is fine..so long as u get a job you'll be fine! :D

see ya out there!

ps i leave in 2 days!!!!!!!!!!!! :p :p :p
Cheers for the advice.

I am determined and willing to work so it should be ok!

Just be glad to get away for a while and meet new people!
bet youll find it hard coming home when your mates come home. youll be hooked by then and will have made some awesome mates, you wont wanna leave that behind atall

good luck with it, £500 is more than enough if your determined and will do any work

your gonna love it
i went with alot less than £500 but i just tried my luck and for once in my life i was lucky. you might have to pay a deposit for your apartment though, thats what would take a dent out of your money. but i still reckon £500 will do it, if your willing to work, youll be getting money as the time goes along anyway
I plan on going over this summer for about 8/9 weeks - I should be able to save about £300 i hope.

this is going to be my 1st summer over there and i also have college to come back to!

Any1 with more information share an share alike - although only recently decided i am determined to go, the more information i have before hand the better!
well i plan on getting a job, I've heard people say theyve gone over with less than 300 and theyve been ok!
You all seem to have different views on whats enough money to go wit, Is it really that hard even if you find a job?
Last thing I decided to do last minute went well, about 15 minutes before checking in finished (2am is the latest) me and some mates decided to go to Ireland, with about a minute to spare we was sneaking drink on the ferry, had a good time, even got home with time (about 2pm the next day) for a shower and breakfast before work at 4!

This time me and one of them mates have decided we are going away for the summer, bout 2 months before, thats lots of planning time to people who can plan a good trip to Ireland in 15 minutes!
We're not worried about only planning it last minute, we should be fine! We should of got jobs on the ferry for experience!! And my Boss told me earlier I would probably have my job to come back to!!