Going off Road


Active Member
What are the laws governing taking vehicles off road? As I notice on the new AA map there a lot of cart track which I would like to go down (or up as the case maybe).
Also what would be the best vehicle to do this in? A 4x4 or trail bike?
I've gone off road in a panda, punto, clio, corsa, Ka, fiesta and left bits of many on the tracks to prove it :oops:
I was once travelling from cala st vincente along the coast road to san carlos and i saw a car parked about 20ft from the floor in the branches of a tree.
off roading with a difference
Tony said:
I've gone off road in a panda, punto, clio, corsa, Ka, fiesta and left bits of many on the tracks to prove it :oops:

I think I must have taken my holidays the week after you and got the cars you returned... :spank:
bigboykarl said:
I was once travelling from cala st vincente along the coast road to san carlos and i saw a car parked about 20ft from the floor in the branches of a tree.
off roading with a difference
8O :lol: 8O
Every year I've been i've hired a Vatara or Jimmy and have found some great Trax. I have never had any problems on any this year i've got a smaller econamy car for a week but still think i can manage all the track i have been on. North of Ibiza seems to be best for this with some good hills to push your driving skills. Beware of other drivers as all are abit mad. That includes being a pedestrian as well. Every year i see at least one crash.
Beware of other drivers as all are abit mad.