Going it alone....eek!


New Member
none of my mates can make it out to ibiza to work cuz they are rubbish

i'm desperate to get myself out there but am scared about the prospect of going it alone... this would be my first time working out there - is anyone else in the same boat? any one have any advice??

Could well be going over myself as well. One of my mates said he is coming but he's not the most reliable haha. I'm sure it will be fine as will meet folk over there.
whether you decide to go or not, usually depends on how much bottle you've got and whether you like taking risks, especially if going alone.

to put your mind at ease, there will be hundreds in exactly the same situation as you.
none of my mates can make it out to ibiza to work cuz they are rubbish

i'm desperate to get myself out there but am scared about the prospect of going it alone... this would be my first time working out there - is anyone else in the same boat? any one have any advice??


By the way, you been to Ibiza before?
hey emily

been to ibiza 2 times before and going to work this summer

so looking foward to the sun

could be going alone as well ... see if i can persaude some of my mates to be as mad as us!

Going out in early to mid June after uni and going to start job hunting

not sure if theres a need for eek! as there are plenty of us in the same situation... all about to thave the great summer 08:!: 8)

feel free to add me on facebook for a chat ;) !

Richard Markham - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=679670471http
I am going out this year to work and am so excited about it! My mates are rubbish too, none of them seem to wanna live life on the edge! I thought it would be hard but looking at all these forums there are loads and loads of people in the same boat as me. I am looking to fly out on th 8th june, i hope that wont be too late! Anybody from london looking to fly on the same date let me know!!

going over for the season. my m8s dont seem interested in ibiza an iv got to go. never bin before but kno what to expect from the place and will work my b*llcks off to stay there!
hey im goin over on the 8th of june aswell, cant get over any earlier cos of my uni course, flights wr really cheap then too i got one for £40, its from belfast tho... does anyone have any accomodation set up yet?? lookin for ppl to share with??

Ah well, at least you know what it's all about. I'm not bothered if my mate doesn't come out with me, just going for it anyway.

Looks like I'm going myself now on the 17th May till my mate comes out in the middle of June.

Anyone going over the same time, give me a shout.
