Going alone 23f frm manchester


New Member
Hello there guys.....

Well off 2 ibz this summer all alone searchin all the sites tryin to sort out everythin b 4 i go, but prob jus go out there n keep my fingers crossed that it all works out!

I worked there last yr as a rep n this yr would like a job doing anything pr/bar/promotions etc.... but cant go out till early june ish, so if anybody is leavin frm manchester around the same time get in touch!

Heres 2 a brill summer 06 guys LETS GET MESSY!!!!

Lynsey x x x lyncibiza@hotmail.com
hey hey

Hey im lookin at goin back to Ibiza from late May til September, i been there 3 times on Holiday and its about time i got my hands dirty and gave somethin back to the inspiration of my life!!

Im lookin for friends to meet out there, lots of hard work, a place to stay and a mad time! Lyndsey or anyone get in touch!

Msn eddieloco@hotmail.co.uk
