Glowsticks, good or anus?


New Member
Are glowsticks nice to bring to the clubs or just lame? Remember three years ago in Amnesia during Armin van Buuren two hot girls where dancing with green glowsticks and everything looked so beautiful :D


I've never used them, but I have nothing against them. It's just a bit of fun which is what it's all about.

And I think all the different lights etc appeal to the senses and add to the atmosphere.
disagree... however, each to their own etc. If thats what you want to do then knock yourself out. I personally think they were best left in the late 90's. If you were to wield them you'd need some of those trousers to complete the look... phat pants is it?
I should have added that it depends on the music.

They'd obviously be out of place at Cocoon, but at Cream they'd work.

But as you said, each to their own. I understand why many wouldn't like them. I haven't, and wouldn't, use them myself. But in the right atmosphere I think they add something.
I was given a purple one by a steward to wave at the O2 when prince played - it was momentarily exciting seeing the audiotorium light up

in truth though, glowsticks are classic rave toys from 1991 and look a bit naff anywhere else
I can guarantee you i dont like happy hardcore...and will not go out without at least a hundred in my pocket.

quite the ice breaker.

Girls like shiny things...and i need the crutch