Global Gathering???


Active Member
Last time I went was 2002 or 2003. I'll be over the time this is on. The line up looks OK I guess.

How much has the festival changed since then? should I bother?
Have been a couple times over last 4 years but cant compare it to earlier ones. Its huge , can be abit of a pain if u plan on going to and fro from your tent. Security getting in is the tightest ive ever seen at a festival , propper sniffer dogs that arent just for show. Your not supposed to bring alcohol on to the site which sucks. The lineups are usually ridiculous tho if little obvious sometimes . Ive had a brilliant time every year that Ive gone but for me Glade festival is a much better option ,its a week or 2 before Global I think. Much less commercialised , nice food and lineups that definitely are outside of the box.