Give Blood


Active Member
I just gave a pint of the finest B Neg :D

I have to admit I only do it for the Ginger Nut biccies afterwards :lol:

Anyone else do it?
GAH! I've become one of those 'newbie' types that repeats threads that have already happened....:cry:

By the way how much money do you think I should take for next years IBZ trip?
GAH! I've become one of those 'newbie' types that repeats threads that have already happened....:cry:

By the way how much money do you think I should take for next years IBZ trip?

Imagine how I feel, instantly remembering and locating the originals!:spank:
I figured my Dad had taken that much blood out of the blood banks over the past few years - it was time for someone in the family to start putting some back in :lol::lol::lol:

I quite like the craic with the nurses when you go along and plus you feel like such a "good" person.... LOL
Here in mainland Spain they wont touch Brit's blood or bone marrow if you moved here prior to 2005 or something like that, due to mad cows :spank:

I wanted to go on the donor list for Bone marrow, but was turned away flatly.

Thats something that is really special to do, go on the bone marrow donor list. you could end up saving a sick childs life.
Strategically planning to give a pint of the red stuff tonight as it's one of the only few days where I'm not out on a Christmas p1ssup!!
Whats been up with your Dad Pups?

LOL what hasnt been up with him :D

I joke now cos he's on the road to recovery but last year he had non-hodgkins lymphoma and a tumour in his bowel, and had lots and lots of blood transfusions during the operation to remove the tumour, the 2 years prior to that he was having to have blood transfusions because he kept passing out and was apparently anaemic so was hospitalised for weeks and weeks until he was stable (they live in Cyprus and once your in a hospital out there they will not let you out until your fully fit and well - fantastic health service)

A few years before that he had a brain haemorrhage whilst digging a grave for the dog - this was due to him being on warfarin because of having to have heart surgery a few years before that!!

Honestly - for a man who was fit as a flea all his life and working on oilrigs and oil tankers all over the world with hardly a days sick - as soon as they retired early and went off abroad to live - he's been in and out of hospital with major illnesses for the past 15 years - really bizarre to find once you are ready to relax and enjoy life, your body decides to go loopy!!

He looks like a pyjama case these days with his heart op scar and his tumour op scar meeting in the middle.... bless him!:confused: