

Active Member
....are mental. Fact.

Yes I know I am one and I should be sticking up for the sisterhood, but this week it has been demonstrated to me what you guys have known all along: Girls are crazy!

2 girl friends of mine have had a massive argument via text over something that one of them was meant to have said about the other. At no point did either girl pick up the phone or meet up to find out what was going on and to find out if the 3rd party that informed on them was actually telling the truth (I strongly suspect some fabrication has gone on by said 3rd party)

Like I said. Mental :confused:
it's worse when girls live together and their cycles coincide..

the nuclear armagedon ain't got nothing on that $hit
Mars/Venus = such a yawnsome outdated concept.

It's social conditioning, not biology.

Most people are bonkers irrespective of gender = fact.
Most people are bonkers irrespective of gender = fact.

True. I do also have some mentalist bloke friends. Like one who would rather use the money his Mom lent him to pay the mortgage as he's skint, to buy recreational drugs to take whilst sitting in his living room as he can't afford to go out... :confused:
True. I do also have some mentalist bloke friends. Like one who would rather use the money his Mom lent him to pay the mortgage as he's skint, to buy recreational drugs to take whilst sitting in his living room as he can't afford to go out... :confused:

Sounds perfectly rational to me. :lol:

And, unless you're actually American, don't use 'Mom'. ;)
Because it's annoying. The Brits call their mothers 'mum' not 'mom'.

I heard British call their mother mom when I lived in England (Norwich) and on holiday. I have also heard Americans call their mother mum. To each his own. I just British terms dependent on who I am speaking with? With most Americans and people i'm trying to annoy I say soccer and everyone else I say futbol, fussbol, or football. It would be no different than saying Ciao or Hola if you not Italian or Spanish. Everyone has picked up some holiday lingo if you talk to different people.