Is anyone else currently staring out of the office window wishing they were on the white isle? Seeing so many social media posts that bring on the depression of life in the U.K. and being stuck between 4 walls at your desk? That's me right now
Not really. I have a 7 week waitFlying out tomorrow if that makes you feel any better?
I'm struggling right now. The plan at work everyday is basically headphones in listening to Ibiza global radio and when the boss isn't looking sneakily getting myself on these forums to keep myself sane
I'm struggling right now. The plan at work everyday is basically headphones in listening to Ibiza global radio and when the boss isn't looking sneakily getting myself on these forums to keep myself sane
Walk to train in morning, look at spotlight, log into computer at work, look at spotlight, try to work, look at spotlight. Rinse and repeat.
Me too at least checking this forum every half hour lol...I am much the same my friend.
I am flying out on Thursday afternoon... I really want to keep my mind off Ibiza until then, but I cannot keep away from this forum