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Well-Known Member
Some French keyboard warrior on the Ibiza Workers page tried to have a go at me after i took the piss out of him on his post looking for naked female models for his "professional" photo-shoot on Salinas...




shit. this is weird.

... almost as weird as the pm that nutter chepeibz sent me yesterday ... :lol::twisted:
a nutter.. whatever...
You were making fun of me and my personal picture. Not nice. I dont care, I just thought it was handled better in private.

You are a funny guy but obviously we all can't affor $1000.00 chairs or very expensive chairs. Mine is just a little kitsch because it is getting old but I bought it practically new. Not nice though man. The thread was about a guy being beat up to death. It is all good, I dont care but I just thought that it was in poor taste given that the thread is about a guy that is dead. I am not trying to con my way by being deceitful. We all have bad days. That thread just reminded me how bad la guardia can be and how it is better to avoid while in vacation. especially in vacation. i hope you understand me. I am not trying to look for trouble with anyone.
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French keyboard warrior on the Ibiza Workers page tried to have a go at me after i took the piss out of him on his post looking for naked female models for his "professional" photo-shoot on Salinas...





Get him signed up on here NOW!

Probably a piss taker though - see also our friend in the chair - i'll bet he is as English as Margate
Relax that was meant as a little sarcastic joke... Why would I want to follow you ...maybe only your little jokes that is all, I thought it was funny anyways.

This whole thing is blown way out of proportion ... You guys take this board way too seriously. I am out don't get me involved in this further.. Adios amigos
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