George Bush Sample

jamesthemonkeh said:
though I still want him to win!

Wait... I thought from what I saw in Europe (Not from what my "heavily biased media" fed me) that Europeans were Bush-haters. Strange.
Well I think they are generally, most people view him as stupid from what I can gather, and too powerful, I think he knows his flaws and he takes the pee out of himself...I like him!
jamesthemonkeh said:
Well I think they are generally, most people view him as stupid from what I can gather, and too powerful, I think he knows his flaws and he takes the pee out of himself...I like him!

he is such an idiot, and an awful leader. I think that he truly believes that what he is doing is right... it's not.
Yes he does have a lot of belief which makes him a stronger leader (whether you agree with his policies or not), personally I would prefer Bill Clinton...John Kerry is just too similar to George Bush but without the charisma, though George Bush needs a serious lesson in Accounting.
jamesthemonkeh said:
Yes he does have a lot of belief which makes him a stronger leader (whether you agree with his policies or not), personally I would prefer Bill Clinton...John Kerry is just too similar to George Bush but without the charisma, though George Bush needs a serious lesson in Accounting.

I too would like Clinton back. Bush with charisma? that is something that I don't think either one of the two candidates has.
Georgie Porgie can't balence the budget, gets involved in fights that have no solid ground (The CIA ITSELF was telling him that Iraq posed no threat- I dare say the CIA knows more than that monkey) AND STUMBLES OVER THE WORD "THE"! The man, plus the man who is really running the country, Richard Cheney, should be impeached on grounds of war crimes.


Yes, he did remove Saddam Hussein. Kudos. Saddam was a horrible dictator, but why exactly did he start at Iraq? N. Korea poses a more imminent threat, China has a hideous government, if he wants to be the world's police officer he should start at the right place...

OH! I KNOW NOW! Both said countries don't lie in a path of a suggested oil pipeline that would make Haliburton Billions...

And this ^^^ is comming from an American!
I can't actually remember what the patriot act is off the top of my head?

Don't get me wrong, I don't think he is doing a great job, but I believe his foreign policy is good albeit flawed, his accounting needs a lot of work though, but don't all current accounts go into deficit during good times, mainly due to larger imports, (similar to a human when they think they are in good times, they go into more debt just like what has happened). I "should" know this, I have to do an economics exam in a few weeks! 8O

People say his employment record is not good either, but its far far better than all the left-leaning European countries, like France and Germany.

I disagree with him on abortion and gay rights which I think are two big issues in America? John Kerry seems to have the same policies as him on them. John Kerry even voted for the Iraq war I believe.
And he is funny, he seems human, I could have a pint and talk about normal things to him, Senator Kerry seems distant, even his wife said she wouldn't want to go for a drink with him due to him being so dull.

So even though Bush is not perfect, I would vote for him, then again I don't have the chance to, as I am not American! Nor will I be able to vote in the British election if I don't get off my arse and register!

However I always prefer to hear an opinion than a lack of opinion, whether I agree or not.
jamesthemonkeh said:
However I always prefer to hear an opinion than a lack of opinion, whether I agree or not.

So, you like Bush simply because he's opinionated? Ya, Usually, and in this case, to be opionated means you got some Cajones, and yes, Bush is a LOT more interesting and charismatic, but remember a certian interesting, charming and charismatic leader in Germany almost 70 years ago?
Sorry that was meant to mean I appreciate hearing the alternative opinions to mine, like yours...out of curiosity, I don't know how much you know about British politics, but who would you vote?
jamesthemonkeh said:
out of curiosity, I don't know how much you know about British politics, but who would you vote?

I don't live there, I don't watch the BBC that much (my favorite channel is Deutsche Welle) and I didn't even know this was an election year for Great Britian's PM. I'm sorry, but I know nothing about the situation and therefore I won't stick my nose in it. Pardon my ignorance. The United Kingdom is one of the most important countries in the world, don't get me wrong, but with so much to do in the United States about this election it's kinda hard to pay attention to anything else.
djeddieecstasy said:
I am voting in nov, and even though i really didnt want to, Bush is a supporter of Israel and of peace in the midEast, so Bush.

Peace through superior firepower! Good one!