Geordie Shore (freaks) vs CBB


Active Member
Having no idea what Geordie Shore was, I was happy to go along with wifey's suggestion we watch it for a while last night.


Five orange pumped up (steroids?) freaky blokes and the same number of minging girls. Is this what the country has become (presuming this is a fly on the wall documentary?), tv audiences are now voyeurs into the lives of the weirdest misfits in society.

After 15 minutes of that rubbish, I then agreed to CBB. I was able to endure two minutes before making enough fuss that the missus turned the tv off! During the two minutes I saw; an Irish guy (no idea who he was), an Australian guy with pink hair (no idea who he was), a young lad who looked like lewis hamilton (no idea who he was), several semi attractive girls (no idea who they were), and worst of all those fooking idiots of x-factor, jedwad.

If these people are what represents 'cool' and 'chic' these days, I am happy to pledge my allegiance to The Waltons:lol::lol::lol::lol:
No patience for that sort of dreck at all. About the only things I now watch on TV are old South Parks, cooking shows (though not reality format style ones) and films.
and worst of all those fooking idiots of x-factor, jedwad.

If these people are what represents 'cool' and 'chic' these days, I am happy to pledge my allegiance to The Waltons:lol::lol::lol::lol:

You know who Jedward are though, says it all really doesnt it we jsut have to accept they are on the verge of global domination
Jedward...There is something seriously wrong with those two. Steve strange said it beautifuly when he said they sound like a constant echo..:)