Gender confusion

Times and attitudes change, it was a time when being gay was thought to be an affliction. I'm in the over 40 crowd and think this is a human rights issue. In the USA the puritan crowd is slowly coming around, but they still have a ways to go. Let people live their life as they wish. The governments should not vote on peoples rights to live and pursue happiness.
Having gone to the page, a link came up to the female equivalent. One of whom modelled both m & f clothing at the same fashion show:eek:
I think Robder is correct, I googled Amanda Lear and found a gorgeous blonde chick, who on later reading used to be a man, although her antecedents are very unclear!

Puppylover is definitely correct with Caroline Cossey, she was (albeit briefly) in for your eyes only.

Seem to remember her also being in a top-shelf mag at the time... :oops::oops::oops::oops::lol::lol::lol:
A few pretty handsome men on that page!
(if I were gay or female, that Balian guy would definitely get some :lol:)
Strangely enough, I don't find any of those women as attractive as the men
(on an empirical level, of course :lol:)

Roberta is cute. But I'm not smitten :p