Garnier @ Space Last Night

Just started listening to the Garnier mix.

Hardly heard any of the Radio1 stuff out there this year, started to listen to Tong? On Friday but then Van Dyk came on with some bloke singing and I just switched it off.
Does anyone know of anywhere where you can d/l Garnier's Mix?

He plays Rez, one of my all time favourite tunes!!!!! God I wish I had been there :cry: :(
nish said: 8)

Just skip to 1 hour 2mins in, -theres some *beep* atrocious sh*te on beforehand. 8O

The last few Deep Dish Essential Mixes have been gash like.
Garnier's closing set on the terrace at Radio 1 party was too briliant!

One of the best sets i've heard during my vacation, if not THE best!

The man kept me dancing until 8:30 in the morning (thats when the party ended).