Gareth Emery vs Global Gathering


Well-Known Member
So this erupted yesterday, thought I'd post.

Gareth Emery
CANCELLATION: Global Gathering UK

We are sorry to announce that due to numerous contractual breaches by Global Gathering, Gareth will no longer be playing at this year's Global Gathering UK. Please understand that after three great festivals 09/10/11 (including producing the festival's theme tune in 2010), this was the absolute last thing we wanted to do, and we made every attempt to rectify the situation, but in the end Godskitchen / Global Gathering gave us no choice. International Global Gatherings in Russia and Ukraine are unaffected. Sorry to all of you who had bought tickets hoping to see him play - hopefully some of you can catch him at UK Festivals South West Four or Creamfields over the summer instead. GE MGMT.

Global Gathering

We are very sorry to have to confirm that Gareth Emery's management team have decided to cancel his festival performance at GlobalGathering UK. We would like to issue the following statement in response.

Unfortunately there has been a billing error on our behalf where two artists were confirmed in the same position (to which we can only apologise). However, we would like to clarify that Gareth Emery's management company's statement is erroneous. Their statement that there are numerous breaches to the contract is not correct; there is a single breach which detailed that Gareth was to appear second on the billing where a number of adverts have shown him to be placed third.

The statement that 'every attempt to rectify the situation' is also factually incorrect. To overcome this issue we have offered a compromise on billing where both artists would receive the same amount of page views on our website and alternative press advertising which was immediately dismissed by Gareth Emery's management team.

At this point we would also like to point out the decision to withdraw from the festival this year has been made solely by Gareth Emery's management team. We are extremely disappointed that after so many year's of successfully working together, his fans will not be able to enjoy his performance over such a small issue which could have easily have been ironed out without the need for any of this to have been publicised.

We would also like to further point out that the same billing issue was also true of Ferry Corsten's management, who have acted completely professionally throughout this problem and have offered up solutions in the interest of his fans.

It is such a shame that these types of issues are becoming more common place within the festival environment and we find ourselves dealing with these time consuming issues rather than working on what is looking like the most successful GlobalGathering to date and delivering an amazing festival for all of our customers.


What is basically boils down to is that Gareth Emery and Ferry Corsten were both given second headlining spot on all posters and flyers for GG, but Gareth was actually being put third. As a result of this, he's dropped out and probably killed off any chance of being rebooked by GG or Godskitchen.

Is it just me, or are our 'superstar DJs' starting to act a lot like superstar divas?
He's a fairly big Trance/Trouse DJ. Only risen up in the scene since 2007/2008, unlike Ferry who has been around since the mid 90s.
I followed this at length on Twitter and Facebook last night and the whole saga (pun intended :oops:) is fasanating to me.

On a very basic level you have to say that, whatever the actual facts, this is a huge PR **** up for GE. Pulling out of a major UK festival is a big call and even if it was largely the call of his management, you'd expect him to a) think about reversing that decision himself or at least b) make sure the statement given by the management didn't provoke GG into outing your real reasons to a disappointed UK fanbase.

Global's retort, particularly the note about how reasonable Ferry Corsten was over the same issue, has just made Gareth look like an utter tool.

I've seen a few people since yesterday claim that, having met Gareth, they think he is actually a nice guy. I know probably completely unfair of me to say so, but I'm really not sure I buy that. In recent years he's struck me as a bit of a flash twat with a tendency to rant and whinge.

Can't really fault his DJing because he was absolutely blinding at Space last year. But I suspect he's maybe not quite as good as he thinks he is and when he finally leaves trance behind and gets in those VIP green rooms with his US house chums, I can't see many UK fans having much time for him.
I don't know if Gareth is both managed and booked by the same guy (David Lewis does his booking), but as you said, that was a monumental **** up on their part.
It's come across that he's only in it for the money, not the love of the music. Does it really matter where you are on a poster? I was considering GG if I don't go to Ibiza for Schulz only, as GE was one of the main guys I wanted to see. Somewhat disappointed by this, as he's been blinding every time I've seen him recently.

Considering he's only had a few notable tunes, most under his GTR alias, he's done very well for himself, but I do see him going down the Tiesto route. He can here the difference in tracks in his live sets, playing much more accessible tracks (e.g. First states bashup of Coldplay vs Knife Party - Paradise Antidote), rather than his older and much more pumping tracks like Mistral.
what a tool. fair enough, it may be his management who have dug their heels in over a perceived breach of contract, but at some point why didn't he tell his management to sort it out/agree the compromise?

the only answer to that is, he was happy to get the point of pulling out over it. there are about 2738495 acts at GG, why does one space on the headliners list (3rd instead of 2nd) matter?? people knew he was playing, that is enough surely?
Sloppy business - no nothing about the guy but he and his management look like fools here
Ok......... wow. Just finished up a mental weekend in Vegas, and caught up on what's happened with Global. Very gutted not to play, to let people down, but I'm especially upset reading so many people suggesting this was my choice, about my ego or money. You could not be more wrong.

When I read Global's statement from my hotel room here in Vegas, I was as shocked as anyone else reading it, and obviously, the first thing I did was call my management to find out what the **** had happened because cancelling a festival over a flyer sounds as ridiculous to me as it does to anyone else. However after speaking with them, I can say there really are two sides to this story.

This is the only cancellation like this to ever occur in my entire career, and we are all to blame. Were my management unnecessarily aggressive and hasty to cancel? Yeah probably. However, they had been lied to by Global who initially gave then any bull**** story they could rather than admit they had made a mistake. So by the time they finally decided to be honest, after basically being bull****ted for a month, management were angry, and cancelled.

I guess the moral of the story, if there is one, is this. When you **** up, hold your hands up straight away and admit you've made a mistake. Try to hide it or lie your way out and you just make the problems worse. I'm 100% sure that had Global been honest as soon as they knew there was a problem, management would have been understanding, and I wouldn't be writing this.

However I am also to blame, as if I was home when this situation reached a peak on Saturday, I'd have hoped to sort it out. Generally I try and know about my **** but during busy periods like the summer when I am constantly abroad, and also trying to finish a new album, I've had to increasingly allow other people to make decisions on my behalf. This fiasco has shown me I need to keep more in touch, and I will.

As it seems we're past the point of no return, let's do this - next time we do a Garuda show in the UK, anyone with a Global ticket can get in for free. This isn't about the money or ego - it's about you guys, and the fact that it's you who are missing out because two companies chose to play power games is the worst thing about all this. I'll do my best to make it up to you.

Sincerely gutted :(

Were my management unnecessarily aggressive and hasty to cancel? Yeah probably. However, they had been lied to by Global who initially gave then any bull**** story they could rather than admit they had made a mistake. So by the time they finally decided to be honest, after basically being bull****ted for a month, management were angry, and cancelled.

That just about says all you need to know - admitting outright to everyone that management were unnecessarily 'aggressive and hasty'. Considering it's management's job to MANAGE these situations and not make the person they are representing look to all and sundry like a jumped up *****, I'd be kicking one or two arses after this. Seems to me like these people manage **** all.. Again, PR own goal, Gareth.
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I don't know if Gareth is both managed and booked by the same guy (David Lewis does his booking).

No, they are different.

Interestingly enough... a little birdie tells me that Gareth had in fact changed mgmt companies little over a fortnight ago, so....

Is this his new company, or old company???

If it's his old, maybe Gareth had little say in the matter...

Seems odd it would be his new seeing as the gig was presumably booked yonks in advance. Hmmmmmm???
The odds of his management pulling that gig without him knowing are minimal I'd say. He's been in Vegas not on Mars. And agents and managers don't want to pull gigs.

My guess is he's seen that the resounding feedback is that he's being seen as a jumped-up twunt and the faceless managers are taking the hit to avoid too much brand damage.
That just about says all you need to know - admitting outright to everyone that management were unnecessarily 'aggressive and hasty'. Considering it's management's job to MANAGE these situations and not make the person they are representing look to all and sundry like a jumped up *****, I'd be kicking one or two arses after this. Seems to me like these people manage **** all.. Again, PR own goal, Gareth.
I disagree totally. As a PR guy, I think this statement hits the mark.

He explains the situation, spreads the blame around, does a mea culpa, and offers a solution to his fans. Well done!

And if he's telling the truth - and of the three statements, his appears to be the most truthful - then there appears to be blame to spread around. It also appears that it's not he who has been a diva here.
I disagree totally. As a PR guy, I think this statement hits the mark.

He explains the situation, spreads the blame around, does a mea culpa, and offers a solution to his fans. Well done!

And if he's telling the truth - and of the three statements, his appears to be the most truthful - then there appears to be blame to spread around. It also appears that it's not he who has been a diva here.

I don't think I'm disagreeing too much with that.

My point is merely that if Gareth's reputation is at all to be damaged here (rightly or wrongly) it's his own management that have dropped the clanger. Gareth's own statement, as you say, reads better than his own management's. If he has to pay someone to do that stuff you'd at least think they wouldn't create situations where the man himself has to come back and repair the damage. As said, they've 'managed' **** all other than a PR dent. :lol:

Absolutely nothing wrong with Gareth's own statement back.
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As said, they've 'managed' **** all other than a PR dent. :lol:

Absolutely nothing wrong with Gareth's own statement back.
Ah, I thought you were saying his statement was an own goal.
As for his management, they've obviously done a ****e job on this one!
Whether or not, as Buckley posits, he had some idea of what's going on, they should have had Emery's back and thought ahead about how this would look!
I've been to all but one of his Garuda events / podcast parties and he is always there from start to finish, spends half his night having a drink and chatting to the clubbers as if they are his mates.

Haven't seen too many others DJs doing that over the years. Definitely not a diva I'd have thought.
Ah, I thought you were saying his statement was an own goal.
As for his management, they've obviously done a ****e job on this one!
Whether or not, as Buckley posits, he had some idea of what's going on, they should have had Emery's back and thought ahead about how this would look!

Actually, looking back, I did say 'PR own goal, Gareth' - but I meant that indirectly. A PR own goal on his behalf, as it were.

Gareth's own statement is a clear PR rescue attempt and one where even he himself has carefully laid some of the blame at his management's door.

I didn't think of it from Buckley's angle. More than plausible, I suppose. I was struggling to get my head around the idea of an artist who has a better grasp of PR than the people he pays to manage him... but maybe it's the other way around. He pays them to take the hits for any diva manoeuvers he wants to make or any situations of his own creating.

Don't ask me why, but I still think there's a fair wedge of truth in GG's version of events.
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I've been to all but one of his Garuda events / podcast parties and he is always there from start to finish, spends half his night having a drink and chatting to the clubbers as if they are his mates.

Haven't seen too many others DJs doing that over the years. Definitely not a diva I'd have thought.

Certainly of the 'big lead' DJs, I'd agree.
But I've had a drink with Orjan Nilsen at ASOT 500, spent 15 minutes having a chin wag with Sean Tyas in a couple of places, and spent 20 minutes having a couple of cigs with Sied van Riel at Godskitchen. I think the mid level DJs still talk to clubbers.
Andy Moor is still a dick though :lol:

Did a bit of a digging last night and found out that Gareth used to be managed by both himself and his sister.
Will be curious to see how GG reply to GG, if they do at all.
Ok......... wow. Just finished up a mental weekend in Vegas, ....................... after basically being bull****ted for a month, management were angry, and cancelled............when this situation reached a peak on Saturday,

The situation had been discussed for a month before this weekend and the artist had never sanctioned pulling the gig? His management pulled it on the Saturday without having every discussed that possibility with him? O rly?
Did a bit of a digging last night and found out that Gareth used to be managed by both himself and his sister.
Will be curious to see how GG reply to GG, if they do at all.

I don't think Rox has ever been his manager, maybe helped him out every now and again.
I'm sure Adam Flexer used to be his manager but that hasn't been the case for a long while either.