Game of Thrones


Well-Known Member
Anyone else massively addicted?? I reckon its the best thing on tv at the mo. Tyrrion Lannister is a ledgend! Read the first book but nothing more so don't spoil it!

I'm not a big watcher of TV these days as I'm rubbish at fitting these things into my evening schedule. But my friends in London are TV addicts and when I was down there over Easter I watched an entire first season of GoT in 4 days. A few of my friends read the books well before the series was even commisioned. One of them was reading the 5th book when we were in Ibiza last summer. They're mad about it.

It's a programme with a pretty slow pace I think but, there's plenty of character development and after 2 or 3 episodes you do start to get sucked into it. From a morality point-of-view, it's sort of Lord Of The Rings meets Jersey Shore :lol:

And, yes, Tyrrion Lannister is a legend.
I gave the 1st season a wide berth cos of all the hype but m,managed to watch the 1st season over a weekend about a month ago and now im hooked!

The Imp steals every scene he is in imo too!
Big fan. Just watched season 2 ep. 5 last night. Gets better and better.

Agreed with all re: Tyrrion Lannister. Legend!
Yes certainly love this show, heard about it over the summer, and marathoned the first season, then i have been watching them the night they come out for this season. Anyone else in love with khalysse? no idea how to spell it..but the dragon mother.. :lol:
daenerys targaryen , certainly is fine , but her maid is an absolute stunner! although did used to be in Hollyoaks apparently
I'm on the the second part of book 3 (it's been split into 2 books because it's so long), and absolutely love it. Just hope nothing happens to George Martin before the series is complete, because apparently he's still writing it!
George R R Martin is a legend. If you haven't already, check out his horror stuff. Skin Trade is a great start.
Just watched sn 2 ep. 7.
Damn that's one heck of an ending :!:
(even if it isn't what you're supposed to think it is, which it very well might not be...)