FunKafe Is Looking For PRs - Summer 2007


New Member

One of the newest bars around Playa Den Bossa is looking for PRs.
The Kafe first opened his gates in Summer 2006 and was quite a big success.
We are looking to refresh our crew, and for that reason looking for new personel to build up our 2007 crew.

FunKafe is located near by the Space, Ibiza club.
FunKafe is located almost on the Playa Den Bossa beach it self.
FunKafe has a big terrace, with great music being played.
FunKafe has FREE wireless internet connection made especially for our customers.
FunKafe prices are cheap and affordable.
FunKafe has a great crew, atmosphere & rythem.
We also have a free table.


Our PRs will be working only 7 hours a day.
15:00 - 22:00, 17:00 - 00:00.
The first week/2 weeks of your work will be a trial for us & for you. You'll be able to see if it works for you, and we will be able to test if you are good for us.
We work with flyers : On The Beach, The Streets & Hotels.
Each flyer you give out will have you name on it, so we will be able to see how many people you bring in.
The trial period payment will be built up from commitions on the people you bring in :

Each table you brought in the bar will have a total bill at the end of the day, and YOU will get a precentege on the bill total income :

> 30 Euros = 10 % FOR YOU!
30 - 80 Euros = 10 % + 10 Euros
80 - 150 Euro = 10 % + 20 Euros
150 Euros + = 10 % + 30 Euros

After the trial period is over and you have got the job, we will add you a basic salary of 5 Euros per hour.
Our PRs also sell tickets to the clubs & parties (BIG MONEY!). We can offer you between 1 Euro - 10 Euro on every ticket you sell (Depends).

According to our math each PR can make between 1000 - 2500 Euros a month.

If you are intrested, please leave your Email, MSN and/or phone number.
Or Contact us.
We need expirienced PRs, good looking, energetic, motivated and fun.

+34 617 669 891
+972 52 899989

Johnny Shenkar
FunKafe Public Relations Manager