Funck! Only 1gb mp3 player to bring.. limitations..


New Member
So my Ipod broke last week and I can't afford to buy a new one before I leave :roll:

Leaves me with this other 1gb mp3 player I got and some PC speakers.

So ... basically I can't fit that much - whattcha recon I should bring?

Need some... techy, funky, prog, tribal .. and of course some deep house for those chillout moments.

Silicone Soul Essential mix, and Danny H latest GU is on the list.

Help me out! :D
Yeah, obviously you wont want to be in the room much but it's nice to have a big juicy selection of tunes handy depending on your mood 8)
get and MP3 encoder and lower the bitrate to 128kbps. Im betting your files are all at least 192 or higher. Still decent quality and will give you more music time. 8)
phil's suggestion is a good one, you can fit way more on that way.

I would suggest renaissance yousef + behrouz mix, it's proper jacking house for when the party is going wild, love that CD :D