fun for mixed age/race couples


New Member
Hi, we are Ibiza virgins. We need a hot happening place for short holiday in mid May. It needs to be somewhere where my English bf early 40s and I, Asian early 20s will feel comfortable, be able to dance late and have a sexy, exhibitionist time. I love to show off, be seen, and he loves me to be appreciated too!!

People have told me that Ibiza town simply has too many yobbish english guys for a couple like us to feel welcome; is that right? If so is St A or elsewhere better for us and likely to give us more fun and hassle free excitment?

Any help appreciated.
Hi, we are Ibiza virgins. We need a hot happening place for short holiday in mid May. It needs to be somewhere where my English bf early 40s and I, Asian early 20s will feel comfortable, be able to dance late and have a sexy, exhibitionist time. I love to show off, be seen, and he loves me to be appreciated too!!

People have told me that Ibiza town simply has too many yobbish english guys for a couple like us to feel welcome; is that right? If so is St A or elsewhere better for us and likely to give us more fun and hassle free excitment?

Any help appreciated.

I think you will find that Ibiza Town is very cosmopolitan compared to San An. I cant say I have seen any "yobbish english activity" to warrant avoiding it....
San Antonio can be yobbish. All the other parts we saw like Ibiza town for example were definitely not yobbish.