Better be quick ... the U.K. isn’t going to be in the EU for much longer ...
Beat me to it. Unless somehow we are negotiated the same rights as now, it's gonna be much more difficult for Brits to get jobs, such as in the bars, hotels, kids clubs etc. Also wonder what effect it will have on someone (say) wanting to buy and run a bar?
Feel sorry for the youngsters expecting to take a gap year and work their way around Europe, but at least they can use the new blue bendy passport thing
. In conjunction with e-visas??
Time will tell, but I was gobsmacked the way the vote went considering how many Brits travel to, holiday and work in the EU.
As an aside I saw a draft copy of what an ETIAD (e-visa) looks like, and one question is to name your first night stay. Er, yes if you're coming from Australia or South Africa, but many Brits and EU's take day trips back and forth, shopping as an example (Eurostar's there for a REASON) with no night stay obviously, so what then??
And what about me until I take my state and other pensions I won't be able to provide proof of "income" as I will be self-funding. Could be barred on that....
No doubt it will all be sorted out (driving licences/insurance, EHIC cards etc) and I would bet we won't require to fill in the ETIAD - maybe a slightly smaller one like the ATI for air travel just like now; but I'd rather like to know now, and the airlines sure need to know if their plans will be affected.