Frequent Travellers - Barcelona Airport Question


Staff member
Worrying a bit about this, so thought I'd ask about...

Basically am going out to Ibiza 19th May - 25th May primarily for IMS Grand Finale & Sankey's Opening Parties. Perhaps a bit ambitious, but intended to fly home on the Saturday morning and get to the We Are FSTVL event at Upminister in Essex for the Saturday afternoon/evening. Had a convenient flight with Ryanair booked, but they changed the time of the flight. Last admission to the festival is 4pm BST. New flight departure time is 9pm +1!! So needed to find an alternative route home..

In my haste I cancelled the original Ryanair flight, got my refund, and since booked 2 flights - Ibiza to Barcelona, Barcelona to Gatwick - back on the Saturday morning in order to get back in enough time.

However, the more I think about it, it's going to be incredibly tight from flight a landing to flight b departing. The flight from Ibiza to Barcelona lands at terminal 1. The flight from Barca to Gatwick leaves from terminal 2b. I won't have hold luggage, just hand luggage. And of course I can check-in online.

So my question is, how long realistically from getting between the 2 terminals given I have just shy of 2 hours to play with??

I know this is a "how long is a piece of string question" since flights can be delayed etc., so I know I'm already cutting it fine.

I won't be hugely bummed if I need to change plans again, as I didn't pay much for the flight. If i have to cut my losses, no biggie. But probably better to go in knowing what to expect.

Apologies if this sounds like a stupid question - haven't done the whole connecting flight thing before, always direct flights. I'm assuming I must still pass through passport control etc. when travelling this way?

Cheers in advance for any feedback.
You should do it no problem with only hand luggage. It's only 10 mins on the bus between terminals so even if you add 30 mins getting off the Ibiza flight and to the bus, and half an hour getting through security and to your gate at T2, it should be OK. Done it more than once with less time.
Thanks for the quick reply Rikkay! Good to hear. You have given me renewed optimism! ;)
I'll second that - 2 hours is extremely do'able with just hand luggage. I've done it in a lot less with bags to collect and check back in - no significant delays though which helped.
I done it with checked luggage a few days ago when I had 2.5hrs between my flight landing and the next taking off.

Still had plenty of time to grab a bite to eat and sit about bored. This was mid-afternoon too so it was fairly busy. Security moves quite quickly.

You'll be fine.
Airlines usually tell you an hour between flights is the minimum.
If you've got 2 hours you'll be more than fine, particularly in Barca.
just dont do it on no sleep and keep ya passport handy :D

LOL. Sprinting back from gate to bogs in search of passport left on bog roll dispenser 15 minutes before scheduled take-off after 36 hours of no sleep does not make a happy start to the final leg of a trip to Ibiza !!! Thank heavens for elderly Spanish men waving lost passports knowingly at frantic travellers ....
LOL. Sprinting back from gate to bogs in search of passport left on bog roll dispenser 15 minutes before scheduled take-off after 36 hours of no sleep does not make a happy start to the final leg of a trip to Ibiza !!! Thank heavens for elderly Spanish men waving lost passports knowingly at frantic travellers ....

that sounds like stroke of luck. :)