French Party Monsters en Playe d'en Bossa 14/8 to 11/9

Fabulous Fab

New Member
Yo !

Will stay for one full month en Playa d'en Bossa (14/8 to 11/9) with a big flat en El Gharbi hotel. Will be regularly joined by french mates, mostly monster party girls. Everyone welcome in the tribe if cool, humoristic and full of energy. Girls welcome ! First party on August 15th for Space Birthday... :lol: :lol:
me and my buddy are coming down from Vancouver Canada, and are deffinetly looking cool people to meet up with and party hard with.
jdroom112 said:
me and my buddy are coming down from Vancouver Canada, and are deffinetly looking cool people to meet up with and party hard with.
[Yo ! :lol: Will be delighted to join forces for great time of pure hedonism and monster parties. Will be bye my own on august 14th and 15th before being joined by two of my monster sisters on 16th. First party in solo on august 15th for We Love Sundays @ Space. If interested, go ahead and for sure we'll met. /quote] :) :lol: 8) :!:
Fabulous Fab,

Why don't you meet up with us at Bora Bora at noon on the 15th. A bunch of us are meeting up there, then heading over to Space. Check out the Aug. 13-18 thread.


OK for a kick off at noon in Bora Bora

Yo Bill

Happy to hear from u and definitely interested to meet with your tribe on august 15th at noon (12h00?) in Bora Bora before heading to Space. Already feelin' the vibe...

See Ya There

Fab' Fa :twisted: b
Coming solo!


I'll arrive in Ibiza, solo and virgin on 10 August from the Canadian North. Would love to hook up when you arrive!

broiler said:
Hey Fab,

12:00 hr it is. Post your pic so we'll recognize you!
The more the merrier!

Can't post a pict but you can't miss a tall French guy with a short beard and probably suited in african style (very colourful). Sure you'll spot me. Only 6 days to go now...
Fab' Fab
Re: Coming solo!

fandango said:

I'll arrive in Ibiza, solo and virgin on 10 August from the Canadian North. Would love to hook up when you arrive!


Yo Fandango

Will arrive 4 days after u (14/9 at 17h40) and feel excited about meetin' u. Perhaps we could have a drink in the evening on PDB area or we join the day after with the whole bunch in Bora Bora (noon).
See Ya There
I'll be stayin @playa den bossa from 30/08 til 10/09, hotel fiesta algarb

I'll be with 2 friends, we are belgian (and french speakin too ;) )

We'll be in the same hotel so I think I can't miss u. Will be there from 14/8 to 11/9 with French friends joining me from time to time.
Only 5 days left :evil:
Fab' Fab