

New Member
hi all

right im off to ibiza with freestyle and im wondering
do u have to go on all the outing and do all the stupid games t5hay play
can we not fo what we want and go off on our own??

can u tell its my first time?? :lol:

We went with Freestyle last time round and this year we are going with them again, simple because of the price really!
On the first day we told them NO in no uncertain terms and they left us alone for the durration of the holiday and we did what we wanted to do.
JUst be firm with them and i think they are generally quite good. :)
yes of course you can...

it's YOUR holiday and you can do as many or as little of their arrange activities as you want.

Lay it on the line with the reps at the beginning to stop them giving you grief but remember they can get good prices for club entry tickets (and you DONT have to go on the stupid coach with them if you dont like being herded like a sheep!) and if you fancy a booze cruise on a boat you can do that on a much nicer boat at san an port.

Just dont be walked over, they rely on people being soft to make loads of money.

Happy holidays! 8)
i went with freestyle 2 years ago and i'm going with them again this year. they are the best company i have went with. the reps will leave you alone as long as you are firm with them to begin with but they will get you good deals with tickets if you keep them sweet. we were at paraiso and they would come round to our room with tickets coz we told them what we wanted to go to at the start of the hol. i also got some freebies stuff off them like posters and shit like that.
I have travelled with Freestyle twice, I don't think we even spoke to the reps once nor did we even get asked to go on their excursions whilst we were there on both occasions. Then again we didn't bother going to the welcome meetings!
I went several years ago and they were fine with people not wanting to go on those trips, as they don't rely on commission as much as other companies
I went with freestlye two years ago , our rep was cool . We told him from the start we didnt want to do any of their booze cruises ect and he left us to get on with it !
ive been with freestlye, 18-30 and 2wentys and ive got to say that freestyle were by far the best. they didnt hassle us much and didnt try to push the crappy trips on us so i wouldnt worry too much about being 'made' to join in with all the cheesy games!!