Free tkt to Circoloco Amsterdam 20-10-11


Well-Known Member
I'm giving away my e-ticket (barcoded general admission entry tkt) to the above event on Thursday night for free.

Unfortunately have had to abandon my trip - close family health reasons. If you want it, PM me ASAP with your contact e-mail and I'll get it sent over to you.

Details here :
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And flights from Birmingham for £40

The following non-refundable booking can also be taken over if you want it - the airline (BMI Baby) charges £40 per booking to change passenger name. Flight details as follows :

Birmingham - Amsterdam

Thu 20 Oct 2011
Flight No. WW1013
Departs : 16:00
Arrives : 18:00

Amsterdam - Birmingham

Fri 21 Oct 2011
Flight No. WW1012
Departs : 09:40
Arrives : 10:05
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That is a very generous offer for somebody who is able to go, well done!

I went to the Circo Loco ADE event last year and had a fantastic time, unfortunately im in Amsterdam the week after ADE this year! :cry:
I thought it looked good too ! Not a single taker tho' ... just goes to show - well, something or other no doubt :lol:

maybe we don't have many Dutch readers or they just prefer other circuses !!
Shame it has not been taken up.

Ten years ago I would have considered this a twist of fate and been all over it. Nowadays, the thought of jetting off one evening to return home the next morning after partying scares me senseless!
Ten years ago I would have considered this a twist of fate and been all over it. Nowadays, the thought of jetting off one evening to return home the next morning after partying scares me senseless!

:eek: .. it's all a frame of mind you know - it's only an hour or so across the water :lol: ! Mind you, I can talk - I feel the same way if there is a long train or bus journey involved at home (I don't handle either very well at all - always think I'll fall asleep and overshoot my station in the case of a train (how many times ... :rolleyes:) and find buses quite depressing after a party)... :confused:

Oh well... The youth today :rolleyes: .... :lol:
Fabulously, in a last minute development a very tasty looking blonde Dutch girl has taken it following an offer posted somewhere else - she will be quite an asset at Westerunie tonight I'm sure ;) - feel like a sugar daddy now :eek: ... :lol: