Forgetting to cancel signup offers -grrrr


Active Member
Bought some items through Amazon recently, one of which was required pronto. Was suckered into using the prime delivery service for guaranteed next day delivery. One month free trial, then £49 per annum if not cancelled within the month. Of course, I dismissed my outlook reminder to cancel and have now paid £49 for something I will be unlikely to benefit from very much.

Come one people, tell me I am not the only mug to fall for these offers and forget to cancel:oops:?
I did that with Prime initially... but then I've stayed signed up for it.

I order so much stuff around the holidays (gifts and things to bring back with me) that it seems to pay for itself in shipping savings in the month of December alone.

I had that with the Times (of London) website but then decided to keep it as it's sometimes useful for work. :confused:
Haha! I win!

Some 4 years ago I was researching campsites in California that would be suitable for my Bro's kids etc. for an upcoming trip out there. Signed up to one, a free months trial, I figured, hey I'll download all I need and then cancel, except I forgot, so I paid $99 for a years subscription to an American camping website I clearly had no further use for (didn't even go camping on the trip anyway).
Haha! I win!

Some 4 years ago I was researching campsites in California that would be suitable for my Bro's kids etc. for an upcoming trip out there. Signed up to one, a free months trial, I figured, hey I'll download all I need and then cancel, except I forgot, so I paid $99 for a years subscription to an American camping website I clearly had no further use for (didn't even go camping on the trip anyway).

yup..did it with a filehosting account i set up,and realised 6 months later when i looked at my paypal account.:oops: