For anyone in East London this evening...


No longer active
I'm sure this thread will sink without trace but in case you are at a loose end this evening, and like me, love the DFA label, then you could do worse than check out the Juan Maclean live at Cargo. A lot of people hated this track because it lends more than a cheeky nod to the classic dubtribe soundsystem "do it now" but I still think happy house is a f*cken brilliant dance record in its own right.
It's my tune of the summer 8)

I seem to remember it getting played EVERYWHERE in Croatia and ergo reminds me of such :D:D:D
I'm sure this thread will sink without trace but in case you are at a loose end this evening, and like me, love the DFA label, then you could do worse than check out the Juan Maclean live at Cargo. A lot of people hated this track because it lends more than a cheeky nod to the classic dubtribe soundsystem "do it now" but I still think happy house is a f*cken brilliant dance record in its own right.

it's like mark knight and man with the red face all over again, only he didn't ask for permission!! ;)

i love the track, i love the vocal too.
it's like mark knight and man with the red face all over again, only he didn't ask for permission!! ;)


I personally think in the JM case, the similarities are pretty tenuous - perhaps 10 seconds of piano? and even if they have been cheeky, they have managed to construct a completely different track out of it - culminating in the dramatic arpeggiator late on, which buries any 'do it now' cynicism for good!


the mark knight track was just the worst kind of bullshlt lowest common denominator plagiarism - the monkeys on here who thought that was THE tune of last summer need counselling

I personally think in the JM case, the similarities are pretty tenuous - perhaps 10 seconds of piano? and even if they have been cheeky, they have managed to construct a completely different track out of it - culminating in the dramatic arpeggiator late on, which buries any 'do it now' cynicism for good!


the mark knight track was just the worst kind of bullshlt lowest common denominator plagiarism - the monkeys on here who thought that was THE tune of last summer need counselling

olly, i thought long about it (5 seconds), but i actually didn't believe you'd bite on that one...

i even gave you a wink ffs! :lol:
olly, i thought long about it (5 seconds), but i actually didn't believe you'd bite on that one...

i even gave you a wink ffs! :lol:

I know!

I just thought I would try and goad mark knight #1 fan philly cent into responding but he, sadly, never bites
worst hangover in a while but probably worth it

wrote this on another forum last night when I got in

And then came "Happy House" - by rights, we should ALL be sick of this track by now, but they somehow managed to serve up a trully sensational live reworking - a 20+ minute (improvised?) psych-acid-house-drenched sonic extravaganza which had me 'coming up' (au naturelle) at least 5 times - sweating and whooping with unbridled joy in that packed airless brickworked chamber. Astonishing scenes. A re-affirmation of why we were all knocked for six by this music in the first place.

decent gig despite Terminal 5 apparently losing loads of their kit :rolleyes: