Foer those requesting tune ID's - a Guide...

Dan x

Active Member
Not sure if I speak for everyone here, though there does seem to be a mass influx of people after tune ID's with just lists of links to videos or downloads or youtube, which is no help to me! I can't get youtube at work, nor do I have the time to load them at home, Therefore to help your quest, may I suggest you give a description of the song?

Remember to include, say, (in rough order of usefulness)

Style - House, Techno, Trance, Breaks with any adjectives du jour (funky, electro, minimal, whatever)

Lyrics - Feel free to substitute words eg "something something love"

What 'sounds'/instruments are in it - EG, heavy, deep bassline, or saxamaphones etc

Where you heard it - Club, night/promotion or DJ.
What else ws played
- To give a view of the type of music (cos one mans minimal, is another mans dirty, is another mans electro etc!)

If you think it's old or new - If you know, that is. Or if you've only just started hearing it (i.e. it sounds new)

If it's at all popular - e.g. "This tune was played everywhere..." etc

Or anything else you may think would be of use.

The list is merely a guide, though I thought it may help in case some people can't think how to describe it.
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but dont forget to add the link of youtube or sample (especially whistling samples) if you have them for those of us who have modern computers with fast internet access. I find it easier to do them to be honest than "it goes a bit like this... duh duh duh duh BOOOOOOM duh duh duh dr bleep"

but yeah, follow dans advice too for maximum success :)