FlyKandi: The Hed Kani Plane!


Active Member
Hi everyone,

I booked my flights to Ibiza with Monarch this year after being totally suckered in by the Monarch/Ked Kandi collaboration (I actually work in marketing by the'd think that I was totally immune to this sort of thing!) and I really hope I get to go on one of their special Hed Kandi planes. BUT- is it just one special plane they're touting about or will all Monarch flights to Ibiza be decked out? If there's only one special one then they're keeping it quiet, I can't see anything about it on the flykandi site! I just can't see it on Birmingham's tarmac somehow...

EDIT: I don't care if people think the plane is naff, I think it looks good fun!!! ;-)
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well each time i've been to birmingham air port i've never seen spose it would be good lol what dates you going by the way?
A word of warning....Monarch operate a system where there is never a spare plane should anything go wrong, (like many airlines i guess) i was delayed 3 times with them once was for 8 hrs for only a 2hr flight!, and flying back from Portugal once nearly didnt get home at all as all their planes steering assemblies had loose bolts in them and all were grounded (it was a fault flagged up by the manufacturer that they acted upon, a friend used to work for Monarch hence how i found out). So basicailly dont count on getting a plane logo'd up as a Hed Kandi plane as if one goes wrong you will be lucky to get a plane at all!.

''Thank God were here at last!''

''Right- whose up for La Comunidad then?''

Plane looks awesome!! means you could start the partyas soon as u leave the tarmac =P looks far more glamerous than sleazyjet!

plus was at hed kandi on saturday night at one of my local clubs! was a brilliant night! im a wee bit jealous of ya ;)
Haha! Thanks for that everyone....

Yeah, I've heard about monarch being pants to say the least so I suppose I had better count myself lucky to get on a plane at all...I would be totally gutted if they even take one hour off my Ibiza trip! Booooooo. Can't wait for El Div's Hed Kandi night though, I LOVE the club and it's pretty marina views although waiting for the loo for 5 hours isn't a very pretty experience!

teztickles: I'm going 26th June- 3rd July. Very excited!! Only 8 working days left! When are you off???
Plane looks awesome!! means you could start the partyas soon as u leave the tarmac =P looks far more glamerous than sleazyjet!

plus was at hed kandi on saturday night at one of my local clubs! was a brilliant night! im a wee bit jealous of ya ;)
It's just a paint job,Ad's like you get on a bus in any big city. You think it will be a party? Maybe in your headphones,try dancing round that trolley,this is no 1973 Stone's private jet scenario with.....8O
so ... obviously you went on a quieter night ?

I wish I had done, I felt like a sardine!! Was nice at about 4 am though when people started going home (lightweights!!) Of course, by that point I didn't need to use the ladies at all as sod's law would have it....

As for the plane being a paint job...I for one will certainly be dancing in the aisles, I mean I am on a plane to Ibiza, away from work, miserable UK and real life!!!! That begins once I hit Birmingham airport on the 26th :lol::lol::lol:

OMG, 9 more sleeps and only 7 days work torture left...I can't wait!