Flights - hidden 'extras'


Active Member
Have been looking for some flight prices for late August / Sept from Leeds.

Click on a flight 'Base price £29.99' (me thinks: "not a bad starting point")

(this is outward journey)
Add on:
£46 taxes and charges
£26 Bags
£8 online check in (£16 to check in at the airport!).

Coming home is even scarier.

Gone are the days of seeing a straightforward flight price advertised, it's a whole new science working out what a journey will actually cost!
Gone are the days of seeing a straightforward flight price advertised, it's a whole new science working out what a journey will actually cost!
I blame it on 2 things - low cost carrier pricing policies and the 2001-2002 (post Sept. 11) airline industry meltdown, as that's about when it started with the 'regular' carriers. The overly-powerful airline labor unions aren't helping either.

There really needs to be a movement to institute what I call 'honest pricing'. Give me a price that includes everything that a normal traveler expects and let me make an honest comparison across airlines.
I don't really mind paying extra for the things that costs the airline extra such as checked in luggage, higher incurance on stroller, skis, manual check in at the airport or "treats" such as extra leg room and meal on board.
Hell, I'd even accept a toilet tax, if the space can be used to add more seats and that way bring down the average ticket price!

What really irritates me though are the hidden extras you can't avoid such as the mentioned taxes and credit/debit card fee when you pay online.
as a youngster, there was a real thrill about booking a flight at a travel agents, going through duty free, getting on a plane - you would always be assured foxy airstewardesses in A-line skirts, clean seats, complimentary hot food, inflight telly (even on short haul) and a generally upmarket clientele. Since the airlines expanded though and the airlines for the masses came in, aqnd the security checks increased, the quality and enjoyment of everything has taken a massive hit. Sitting in someone's crushed Pringles, whilst subjected to constant promotions by the bored and inarticulate cabin crews has taken much of the fun and mystique out of flying. Now it's an experience I trully hate, but am so wedded to easyjet now, I cdn't use anyone else to get to Spain
meeting interesting folk, sharing chicken drumsticks, sangria and spliff on long train journeys in the middle of nowhere is seriously underrated
as a youngster, there was a real thrill about booking a flight at a travel agents, going through duty free, getting on a plane - you would always be assured foxy airstewardesses in A-line skirts, clean seats, complimentary hot food, inflight telly (even on short haul) and a generally upmarket clientele. Since the airlines expanded though and the airlines for the masses came in, aqnd the security checks increased, the quality and enjoyment of everything has taken a massive hit. Sitting in someone's crushed Pringles, whilst subjected to constant promotions by the bored and inarticulate cabin crews has taken much of the fun and mystique out of flying. Now it's an experience I trully hate, but am so wedded to easyjet now, I cdn't use anyone else to get to Spain
Agreed. Flying, even on the non-budget carriers, has truly morphed into a demoralizing experience.

This is why I stay up all night and then drink a few beers before I fly. I want to pass out immediately on the plane and wake up at the destination.
This is why I stay up all night and then drink a few beers before I fly. I want to pass out immediately on the plane and wake up at the destination.

Hungover and stinking of booze................I Like it! The story of my daylight hours in Ibiza.
Having read the replies, I am minded to continue work on my teleporter...

Can't disagree with any of the above. The security checks now leave one feeling totally violated once cleared. Even the in-flight safety demonstration is now a poxy video:lol::lol:

Having said all that, nothing, nada, zilch, not even getting sandwiched between the chav kids from hell can spoil that feeling of stepping off the plane in Ibiza.
Having said all that, nothing, nada, zilch, not even getting sandwiched between the chav kids from hell can spoil that feeling of stepping off the plane in Ibiza.
Ahh... that breezy, warm, humid, slightly salty air on the walk from the plane to the terminal? Ya. That's the stuff.